Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Probiotics Ltd is pleased to offer you professional, quality service at all times. We select quality products for your health.
Your satisfaction is very important to us. If you have any queries about a product please call us.
If for any reason any of our products do not arrive at their destination in good condition, please contact us immediately. We will organise replacement.
If a product you have ordered is not available, we will contact you prior to sending the order.

Code of Ethics
Customers will be provided with understandable information about the safe and effective, use and expected outcomes, of products.
We will not make claims where there is insufficiency of evidence about the effectiveness of products, to allow the customer to make an informed choice.
We will safeguard and respect the confidentiality of patient information acquired in the course of our professional activities.
We offer sound advice, and judgement is based on the most suitable choice for the customer.
Advice will be given to children under 16 years without parental consent only if we are satisfied the young person will understand the advice and its implication.
We endeavour to practise in a manner which is culturally sensitive and respects the health development of all cultural, social and ethnic groups.

Your Privacy
We do not rent, sell or give away our mail list, so rest assured that your details will remain confidential to Probiotics Ltd.